All Data that you provide will be securely held and not shared with any third parties. Any data we request is to ensure the safest experience for your child. Although we do process data we never share this data and only use to ensure the smooth running of our camps.
These are the categories of data we may process:
- Contact Details: examples include real name, email address, address, telephone number.
- Financial Data: examples include credit card number, credit card verification number (ccv), credit card expiry date, bank account number, billing address, income information.
- Household and Relationships: examples include emergency contact, marital status, parent/guardian status, information about individual's children, emergency contact details.
- Identifiers and Legal Documents: examples include passport, national insurance number, proof of residence, national identification number.
- Activity and Behavioural: examples include browsing history, search history, likes, clicks.
- Personal Characteristics: examples include sex, gender, academic qualifications, age.
- Location Data: examples include approximate location.
- Communications Data: examples include instant messaging data, email messaging data, online/offline status.
- Images and Recordings: examples include photos, videos, voice recordings.
- Views and Opinions: examples include survey responses, testimonials, non-political, religious or philosophic opinions.
- Work-related Data: examples include name of employer, occupation, completed tasks, curriculum vitae / resume.
- Technical Identifiers: examples include ip address, mac address, username, passwords.
- Criminal Records
- Special Category Data, examples include: